XIX International Super Cycling Marathon SVS - Sliven Varna (Sofia) Sliven

Автор Вторник, 18 Април 2023 17:12; Видяно 537 пъти


За информация на Български език кликнете тук: https://audaxbulgaria.com/xix-международен-супер-коломаратон-svs-сливен-варна-софия-сливен

Bulgarian Tourism Federation and SCT "Sinite Kamani" - Sliven are organizing: 
XIX International Super Cycling Marathon SVS - Sliven Varna (Sofia) Sliven

On July 8-11, 2023. The event covers the distance of 1202 km non-stop in 90/80 hours according to the calendar and regulations of Les Randonneurs Mondiaux (LRM) and AUDAX Club Parisien.


For the first time in Central and Eastern Europe, an international super cycling marathon was held in Bulgaria in 2001, covering the classic distance of 1200 km.

The initial goal of the event was to promote the development of cycling marathons in Bulgaria and the region.

During this first year, Bulgaria, Austria, Russia, and shortly after, Greece were the only countries in the region that were members of the Audax Club Parisien - Randonneur.

Today, almost all countries in Central and Eastern Europe are members of the global randonneuring movement.

Goals and objectives:

In addition to promoting cycling marathons in the region, the event has several additional goals.

One of them is to give Bulgarians the opportunity to experience the atmosphere of the super long distances, to connect with friends from abroad, and to receive finalist status with a corresponding medal without having to travel abroad.

On the other hand, foreigners have the opportunity to visit our country, learn about its charms and realities, and interact with their colleagues and friends.

I. Regulation: Start-Finish and Groups

Start-Finish: Bistro "Omega", Sliven Mineral Baths. It is located 12 km from the Sliven city center.

Accommodation for participants is 15-20 BGN per person and is not included in the entry fee.

On Friday evening before the start, a technical conference is held: receiving the start package and signing a declaration, instruction, checking bicycles and equipment, familiarizing with the features of the route and control points, information about the condition of the track.

The start is on Saturday at 5 am.

The finish has a control time of 90:00 hours for the Green Group, closing at 11 pm on Tuesday.

The finish for the Red Group has a control time of 80:00 hours, with the finish closing at 1 pm on Tuesday.

Green Group: participants agree to move according to a schedule with three overnight stays at designated locations and a finish within 85-90 hours.

Bed and vouchers for dinner and breakfast are provided at three designated "sleeping" controls.

Vouchers for lunch are also provided at four daytime controls.

The "Personnel/Manned" column in the control table shows the opening times with the presence of "personnel."

They are adapted to the normal speed of movement of the Green Group.

Deviation from this schedule means leaving the Green Group and forfeiting the organizer's commitment to provide services for this group: luggage delivery, voucher redemption, and other logistics.

Red group: Participants in the so-called "red" group declare a faster pace of movement and finish within 75-80 hours.

They are responsible for their own food and shelter, except for the checkpoints on the first day.

They can use recommended addresses for restaurants and hotels.

Overnight stays at the corresponding "green" checkpoints are allowed only if there are available spaces.

Depending on the speed of movement, 2 or even just 1 overnight stay is possible in this group, with achievements ranging from 65 to 80 hours.

If the "red" checkpoint is delayed, or if the control time of 80 hours at the finish is exceeded, the brevet is not recognized as completed, even if the 90-hour control is observed.


Registration. Pre-registration is done online by filling out a form:


Within 24 hours after online registration, the status of the registered participants will be updated at the following address:


Successful completion of a brevet series (200, 300, 400, 600/1000 km) in the current year is required for participation in SVS.

Each of these distances can be replaced by a 1000 km or 1200+ km brevet completed in the last 2 seasons.

Pre-registration is considered complete upon payment of the full amount of the fee (A).

 2a. Main participation fee (A) for both groups: 70 Euros (139 BGN).

The fee (A) includes: (1) route control car, (2) stationary control points, (3) start package, (4) paper route description, (5) GPS tracks, (6) SVS Cup/plaque/souvenir, (7) verification and LRM medal, (8) reservation in a hotel at the start/finish, (9) video and/or photos.

The main fee (A) does not include overnight stays along the route, meal vouchers at the daily control points, and baggage transfer, which are covered by the fee (B).

The price of the SVS cycling team jersey is not included in either fee (A) or fee (B) and must be ordered separately.


20% for clubs - regular members of the Bulgarian Tourism Federation with a license from MMC or 10% for regular members of the Bulgarian Tourism Federation without a license and for clubs from other federations with a license.

10% to successful finalists from all starts of this year's Omega Brevet Week.

Discounts accumulate, i.e. the maximum is 30% (BFT club with a license + Brevet week).

Discounts are only applied when paying fee (A) by 11.06. /Shipka 300+200/.

Increases: 20% (or 14 EUR/28 BGN) for every 10 newly registered participants in the "green" group after the 10th (i.e. 84 EUR/167 BGN for participants 11-20, 98 EUR/195 BGN for participants 21-30, etc.), with priority determined by the date of payment of 40 BGN/20 Euros.

Therefore, there is no limit on the number of participants, only an increase in the amount of the main fee.

Any differences in fees due to the withdrawal of a registered participant will be accounted for at registration before the start, and any payments already made will be adjusted.

2b. Additional fee (B) for the "green" group: 70 Euros (139 BGN). The amount does not depend on the number of participants or the time of payment.

It includes transportation of one and the same baggage package to 3 predetermined "sleeping" control points, plus 3 overnight stays and 3x15 BGN for dinner (10 BGN) and breakfast (5 BGN) at these "sleeping" control points.

For higher meal costs (over 10 BGN for dinner and over 5 BGN for breakfast), participants must pay the difference.

In the general case (without discounts and increases), the full fee for the green group is 140 EUR (278 BGN: 139+139).

After applying the different fee discounts (A), the total amount changes as follows:

With a 10% discount: 264 BGN (125+139) (BW - Brevet Week for Individuals and Foreigners)

With a 20% discount: 250 BGN (111+139) (BW for BFT Club without license and for BFT Club with license without BWN)

With a 30% discount: 236 BGN (97+139) (BW for BFT Club with license)

Deadlines for payment of the basic fee:

- upon registration: 40 BGN / 20 EUR / advance payment. After May 28, the amount is not refundable in case of non-participation.

- May 28, 2023 - payment for ordered SVS equipment

- June 28, 2023 - payment of the balance of the basic fee (A) for using 10/20/30% discounts

- Registration - payment of the balance of the basic fee (A) + additional fee (B)

Methods of advance payment:

Bank transfer: IBAN BG32RZBB91554491561507, Title: Lazar Vladislavov - KVS Sliven

PayPal: lazar.v@mbox.contact.bg. Reason for transfer: SVS + participant's name.

When paying by courier, bank transfer, or PayPal, the sender bears all transfer costs.

The final fee is calculated and paid in cash at the registration.

Refund of fees in case of withdrawal:

- Initiated by the organizer /e.g. cancellation/: 100% of the fee will be refunded;

- Initiated by the participant and requested before Shipka 300+200: 75% of fee A and 100% of fee B will be refunded;

- Initiated by the participant and requested after Shipka 300+200: 50% of fee A and 80% of fee B will be refunded;

- Initiated by the participant after the start: 0% of fee A will be refunded, 80% of unused vouchers will be refunded;

- Force majeure circumstances: 100% of the fee will be refunded, but €10 will be deducted from the refunded amount.

The amounts will be refunded after the approval of the financial report by the Management Board of BFТ, but no later than 31.10.


1. Registration of participants.

Includes payment of entry fees, signing a participation form, bike check, technical conference, and luggage drop-off.

It takes place on Friday evening before the start at the starting location.

Bicycles must be upright and equipped with high-quality headlights and taillights.

A double front light system and two securely mounted red taillights are required.

Information about the lighting system is required in the registration form.

Wearing helmets is mandatory for events on the BFT calendar.

Reflective vests and the use of lights are absolutely mandatory at night: from 1 hour before sunset to 1 hour after sunrise, as well as in conditions of reduced visibility - fog, rain, tunnels, etc.

2. Conduct.

1. The rules published by the Audax Club Parisien (ACP) and the Regulations for organizing brevets developed by the BFT are applied.

ACP Regulations, Article 12: "... These brevets are not races and no ranking is carried out."

Article 5: Each participant is considered to have started on an individual journey... Each one participates at their own risk and responsibility, by filling out the appropriate declaration.

2. Each cyclist from the Green group must register upon entering and leaving each night and day control and certify their SVS Control card with a signature and stamp.

For the Red group, a cash receipt or photo (with the name of the town, date and time) is allowed instead of a stamp.

3. Accompanying vehicles are only allowed if they follow an alternative route and provide support only at the controls.

Their presence along the cyclist's route leads to sanctions for the cyclist.

Repeated violation of this rule leads to disqualification of the cyclist.

4. Participants may receive technical assistance on the SVS route only from the SVS team.

Participants can only receive further assistance at the checkpoints.

Every participant must comply with the requirements for lighting and reflective vests when cycling at night or in poor light conditions, as well as comply with all traffic regulations.

If a participant leaves the race, they must notify the SVS team by calling the 24-hour emergency phone number printed on the SVS control card.

Participants who leave the race must find their own transportation back to the starting point.

Successful finalists will receive medals, and according to a long-established tradition, all participants will receive special awards (Cup/plaque/souvenir).


1. Route:

Sliven-Varna-Isperih /day 1/,

Isperih-Veliko Tarnovo-Lovech-Apriltsi /day 2/,

Apriltsi-Troyan-Kalofer-Hisarya-Nastan /day 3/,

Nastan-Pamporovo-Chirpan-Sliven /day 4/. (Schedule for the green group)

2. Checkpoints: Locations of the checkpoints, opening and closing times, distance and positive elevation gain between two checkpoints and cumulatively.

Screenshot from 2023 04 18 16 42 05

Column "Manned/Personnel" concerns the Green group and shows the opening time with the presence of "personnel".

For establishments, this is the start of their working hours.

For the nighttime controls, this is the arrival time of the judging car and the delivery of luggage.

Normally for the Green group, this happens after 6 p.m., usually the arrival time is for dinner, from 7 to 12 p.m.

Violating the normal and recommended schedule for the Green group is a request to exit it, with all logistical consequences.

The recommended start time in the last column is respectively 4:00, 3:00, and 6:00.

The hours are adapted to the characteristics of the stages.

Given the upcoming flat terrain, the departure from Isperih may be slightly after the closing of Sleeping Control 1.

Departure from Apriltsi is also recommended to be slightly after the closing of the Sleeping Control: to allow for descent from Beklemeto in daylight.

The departure from the third sleeping control may be later, up to 1-2 hours after the closing of the Sleeping Control: to provide rest in case of delay after the hills of the previous stage and to avoid low morning temperatures in the Rhodopes.

The terrain to Chirpan allows for catching up on time.


Full track: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/42541009


This is an overview of the route: the traditional stage-by-stage description will contain the usual precise tracks in Openrunner.

Changes to the route and some controls make this year's edition a picturesque tourist tour with many attractions and info-controls (with a requirement for photos)...

In one sentence: less climbing = more attractions!

Screenshot from 2023 04 18 16 46 50


The organizer reserves the right to change these rules as well as the previously announced route and control points, and will promptly inform all registered participants about it.